Thank you for 2023
It's hard to believe that's another year almost over, another year that seems to have flashed past. Again. How does that keep happening? Aside from anything else, 2023 keeps looking to me like a science fiction year. It doesn't half make me feel, ah… dated. Yes, that's it. Not old. No.
Anyway, I suppose if I'm looking back, I may as well take a wee look at the year that's almost done. If I'm honest, it was not the most creative year for me. I don't want to dwell on the why of this, suffice to note that it was personally an awful year. Let's look back at the highlights instead.
One particular drawing, that I made in the spring, really took off. My 'Ah Want Tae Believe' drawing was easily the hit of this year, somehow being nearly twice as popular its closest competitor, which as it happens was also on the subject of Scotland's most famous loch dweller!
Swim wi Nessie narrowly beat out my Scots language drawing of a Heilan Coo to become the second most popular design of the year, which is quite something considering how much everyone likes a heilan coo!
In my t-shirt shop, I was rather pleased with my Pictish and Celtic designs, which launched late in the year. However, 'Monarchie? Nein Danke' was by far the most popular design to wear, which really is no surprise, given a certain over privileged man sat on a giant tacky gold chair. (I just checked and, yes, that really did happen this year.)
On the subject of my t-shirt shop, did I mention I also now have mugs for sale there? And jigsaws! I'm quite excited about that.
Finally, my Overrated Scotland calendar continued to be extremely popular, accounting for almost half of all the calendars I sold. Which is wild! Luckily (?!), there is no shortage of people leaving bad reviews online, so this trend is liable to continue, although I may have to get draw some more landscapes to keep up!
More than anything else, I want to thank you for your support throughout 2023. As I mentioned, it was a hard year for me, and I really can't stress enough how much your continued support has meant. Fingers crossed 2024 reverses the trend and is a better year!
Thank you for reading, take care of you and yours, and lang may yer lum reek!
P.S. there's Free Shipping in my t-shirt shop from 9am December 29th to midnight on January 1st.