Last chance to get Vote Yes!
The memory of Scotland in July 2014 seems almost like a dream, like a different country. During that exciting, hopeful and busy month, I launched the above print. Broadcaster Lesley Riddoch has called it the iconic image of the referendum. Soon-to-be MP Chris Law drove around Scotland in a vintage fire engine with it on the side, spreading pro-Yes messages as he went. People have even had themselves tattooed with it. (You can read more about the design here.)
Since its launch, this has been my most popular design. So much so, that I've since adapted it away from its indyref roots to become the Spirit of Scotland design. It also forms the basis of my Still Yes designs.
For this classic print, however, time is coming to an end. Right now there are only nine copies left for sale. If you've been thinking of getting one, this is pretty much your last chance!
To all of those who have already bought a copy and to everyone else who has supported Indy Prints in the past nearly-two years, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
– Stewart